Global Insurance Solutions

By Berkley Life Sciences

  • Expertise exclusively focused on the life science industry
  • Integrated global network
  • Member of W.R. Berkley Company, a Fortune 500 Company
  • Specialized Coverages:
    • Global General Liability Coverage
    • Foreign Clinical Trials
    • Global Property including Political Risk Insurance with unique coverages addressing life science risk such as delayed access and wastage of perishable material
    • Foreign Voluntary Workers Compensation provided by Global Personnel Protection
    • International Contingent Auto Liability
    • International Accidental Death & Dismemberment
    • Global Kidnap and Ransom Expense Coverage

Global insurance solutions for companies that export their product or services overseas – or the true global organization with established operations – requiring an integrated insurance program with local admitted policies, complemented by a master policy, with difference in conditions, difference in limits, providing consistent comprehensive insurance program.

Extensive global network that delivers an integrated global solution. Berkley Life Sciences works with our owned operations, network partners, and Lloyd’s Coverholder arrangement to service the life science industry’s global needs.

Recognizing the international needs of our customers whether they are exporting, conducting clinical trials or maintaining physical operations overseas, Berkley Life Sciences offers a comprehensive commercial solution with global endorsements.

LS Prime® Global General Liability

LS Prime®, our innovative general liability insurance product, is designed to protect companies doing business around the globe. This comprehensive and specialized coverage can provide worldwide protection. Coverage highlights include:

  • Product Withdrawal Expense
  • Batch Liability
  • Recall Exception for Implants

Learn more about our general liability coverage.

LS Prime® Property Coverage

Our global property solutions offer flexible protection on a worldwide basis providing Difference in Conditions (DIC) and Difference in Limits (DIL) along with specialty property coverages:

  • Tenants and Neighbors Liability
  • Coinsurance Deficiency
  • Currency Devaluation
  • Tax Liability

Life science companies are increasingly exposed to political risk as they manufacture or distribute products or conduct research and development overseas. Political risk insurance for life science companies is essential coverage to address exposures whether it is to protect the continuity of a clinical trial or to ensure that perishable products reach their destinations in time and intact. Berkley Life Sciences’ coverage responds to political risk events unique to life science companies and not generally addressed by most insurers.

Learn more about LS Prime® Political Risk.

Foreign Clinical Trials

Conducting clinical trials is a critical precursor to marketing a product – whether it involves obtaining approval for the sale of a new product or selling an existing product in a new territory.

Before conducting clinical trials, a life science company must first obtain the approval of local ethics committees. This approval process includes a review of insurance documentation to ensure the involved parties are protected financially. In fact, many jurisdictions require specific insurance provisions by law or have local language requirements. Sometimes ethics committees go beyond those requirements.

Berkley Life Sciences is able to quote and issue local admitted policies in more than 40 countries around the world, on a standalone basis or as part of a Controlled Master Program.

Coupling a deep expertise in the life science industry with an extensive global reach provided by Lloyd's network partners and Berkley-owned operations, we are able to meet the service demands of executing foreign clinical trial insurance.

Learn more about our foreign clinical trial liability insurance.

Global Mobile Workforce

Comprehensive Insurance and Services

Global Personnel Protection

Providing Foreign Voluntary Workers Compensation and Employers Liability insurance including:

  • Emergency Medical Expense up to $1M limit and political evacuations and security emergency services that extend to personal travel (incidental to business trip).
  • Berkley Life Sciences partners with UnitedHealthcare Global, providing medical and travel assistance services to protect our insureds and their global mobile workforce.
Medical and Travel Assistance Services
Available 24/7 Emergency medical evacuation
Worldwide medical Pre-Trip information
Facilitation of hospital payment Replacement of lost travel documents
Monitoring of treatment Translation and interpreters


Additional Insurance Offerings include:

  • International Accidental Death & Dismemberment coverage
  • Global Kidnap Ransom Expense coverage
  • Contingent Auto Liability coverage with
  • $50,000 limit for hired car physical damage
  • No annual aggregate

International Tools and Resources